Tuesday, February 25, 2014


WiP: Wedding socks for Dallas, shawl for me
FOs: My socks, for me!

So, all was quiet on the blog front again for a couple weeks, sorry! I've been super busy here sorting stuff out for the wedding and knitting, and trying to get as much of my wedding shawl down as a unofficial challenge to myself for Ravellenics.

This photo is pre-rip, when I pulled back to the last line of decreases that I had made correctly. I am, however, now onto the fourth or fifth repeat of this shawl and loving the pattern - it finally clicked with me, which was nice. haha I'm thinking I want to try to get up around 10-12 repeats, perhaps more. Once this pattern clicked, I'm finding it a fairly simply knit - you just need to keep your stitch counts in line for your repeats! This is Handmaiden Lace Silk, Ruby Red colorway, and I'm doing the 7 leaves/8 blooms style, although I do want it around 12 repeats - seems like it will be easy enough to enlarge. I want it big enough that I can wear it comfortably. The silk is going to keep it super light and nice, though. I don't even feel any weight on my needles yet. Kind of crazy!

My "Dory" socks!
This was a week or so ago, when I was halfway through the first sock. Biscotte & Cie, Poisson Tang Colourway.

Valentine's flowers from my sweetheart - these got delivered on Valentine's Day. So sweet!

And my finished Dory socks. I love this yarn. Next pair I make, though, are going to be on smaller needles with fewer stitches. These ones are slightly baggy around the leg. I do, however, still need to block and weave ends in on these. 

These were started with 8 st from Judy's Magic Cast on, and ended with Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind off. I simply cast on the stitches, increased the toes as far as I needed until they fit, and then knit the foot; I did a short-row heel, and then zoomed up the leg in a 3x1 rib for about 6". So happy with them!! :D 

What did you do for knitting over the Olympics? Or did you do anything else crafty?

Katie =^..^= 

P.S. I'm going to try to do a chatter/week-in-review post every Tuesday from now on. Hopefully it works! haha